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private 1 on 1 yoga training

online yoga community, yoga basel, yoga classes basel switzerland, yoga teacher basel, private yoga basel

Private yoga classes in Basel, Switzerland
online worldwide

Hard work and commitment have brought you success in your career and in your family life. You realize that it is time to reward yourself with something special. It is my privilege to offer you high-standard individual training tailored precisely to meet your personal goals.

I specialize in top-of-the line private instruction. I provide 100% exclusive attention for people who value experience, sensitivity, personal touch, and the finest regenerative methods for maintaining vitality and youthfulness.

Packages include a personal assessment and a series of customized one-on-one  sessions. We first identify your goals and special preferences, including location, time, and frequency of practice. Superior in quality and scope, this service provides unique value for someone who is ready for the best.

“Katerina has been invaluable in supporting both me with osteoporosis and osteopenia issues and my partner with end of life care physically and spiritually. To the amazement of my physician, my condition, after one year of regular practice with Katerina's online classes, has not only stopped progressing. My osteopenia has even shown slight improvement.

As for my partner with an incurable neurological condition, we tried many approaches from massage to acupuncture, bodywork, Reiki etc. Katerina's method was by far the most successful all the way to the end of his life. I will be forever grateful for her weekly in-person, private treatment for him. 

Katerina is a student of the body and its challenges and she keeps introducing new ways to improve and shows a sensitivity to her students' physical challenges. I highly recommend her classes.”

— Barbara C. SJI, USA

Corporate Yoga


You must know then that your success depends entirely on your own will and effort. You understand that time is your most precious commodity. That life is "priceless" because of its built-in expiration date. Others have relied upon you for your leadership skills and your strengths in decision making. Yet all this has come at a price. You have not often been allowed to show vulnerability, which has caused stress to build up inside. You have devoted your life to the success of the firm, and risen to the top. Those around you, including your family, have not always appreciated how much sacrifice this has entailed on your part. In quiet moments, you may feel empty, or come to realize that you did not give yourself the chance to explore life as fully as you would have had you been less driven. There are unrealized dreams and experiences. Your focus has caused your body to store up stress over the years. Now that you have succeeded in your chosen field, it is taxing you with stiffness and tension. Or perhaps you are still suffering the after effects of old skiing accidents or another sports injury that never properly healed. Maybe some painful issues from early life were brushed under the rug.  A high flying corporate attorney once sought me out because he was ceaselessly tormented by issues stemming from childhood trauma. An ex-mayor needed my help because his body suddenly slipped into rapid aging and deterioration. He was not able to enjoy the fruits of his labor and his life was slipping away. I have encountered many cases of highly successful people whose bodies begin to age suddenly because they have neglected to give them the full attention they require.

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corporate yoga instructor, corporate yoga classes, corporate yoga retreat, executive yoga
  • In private and behind closed doors, when corporate attire is removed, do you still feel as confident and powerful as you once did?

  • Do you yearn to regain a carefree spirit, along with that inner youthfulness and flexibility from long ago?

  • Do you need healing, understanding and tenderness just like any other human being?

  • Are you troubled by daily aches and pains?

  • Do you privately harbor existential anxiety about the meaning of life?

From my experience working with very successful people, their bodies are storehouse of these internal pressures. If you are one of such people, you are surely a complex person. In my work, each client is encouraged to get in touch with all parts of who they are. This occurs naturally as I train them to become more elastic, limber and flexible.

All contracts are 100% confidential.

The corporate consultant program is tailored to individuals seeking solutions to any of the above questions. I am committed to offering you exceptional service on your path to inner fulfillment.